Singing Guide: Sunrise Avenue

Singing Guide: Sunrise Avenue

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Sunrise Avenue

Sunrise Avenue is a Finnish rock band known for their emotive and catchy songs. Vocalist Samu Haber is known for his powerful vocals and unique vocal style. To learn to sing like him, it's important to focus on proper breathing techniques, pitch accuracy, and using different vocal registers effectively. Below are some tips and resources to help you channel your inner Samu Haber.


  • Breathing basics: Learn about active and passive breathing and how to practice abdominal breathing, which helps to control airflow and improve vocal stamina.
  • Breath support: Discover techniques to improve breath support, including exercises like singing on an exhale and practicing breath control with a straw.

Pitch accuracy

  • Pitch accuracy test: Use Singing Carrots' pitch accuracy test to assess your pitch accuracy and practice matching pitch with simple melodies.
  • Open mouth and throat while singing: Learn how to relax and open your mouth and throat to improve pitch accuracy and projection.

Vocal registers

  • Voice registers and vocal break: Understand how vocal registers work and learn how to use your chest, mixed, and head voice effectively.
  • Mixed voice: Discover the mixed voice and how to use it to bridge the gap between your chest and head voice.
  • Voice break: Learn how to navigate your voice break and use it to create powerful and emotional moments in your singing.


  • Hollywood Hills : This song showcases Samu's ability to use his full vocal range, from his chest voice in the verses to his head voice in the chorus. Try practicing going from your chest to head voice smoothly.
  • Fairytale Gone Bad : This song has a lot of sustained notes, so it's a great opportunity to practice your breath control and sustain.
  • Vocal range test: Use this test to discover your vocal range and compare it to Samu Haber's range.

Additional resources

With these tips and resources, you can learn to sing like Samu Haber and create emotive and powerful vocal performances.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.